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請即報名參加第九屆黃金時代展覽暨高峰會(2024) 場地義工,成為義工 Volunteer for Volunteer at The 9th Golden Age Expo & Summit (2024) now

Volunteer at The 9th Golden Age Expo & Summit (2024)

Golden Age Foundation
Volunteering period
02/08/2024 - 04/08/2024
Wan Chai District
Application deadline
「黃金時代展覽暨高峰會」(GAES) 是全港首創以「黃金時代」為題,專為45歲及以上人士而設的大型展覽暨高峰會。今屆活動將以「智齡創新 · 永續共融」為主題,讓大眾和業界能就人口老化議題進行無界限的交流,並展示一系列最新科技、創新產品和服務。 為期三天的GAES,將需要大量義工,因此本會正招募峰會場地義工,於GAES期間協助整個活動順利進行。成為場地義工,你將會獲頒義工感謝狀和義工T-Shirt乙件!
Wan Chai District
Service 2 Aug 2024 08:30 (All day) 2 Aug 2024 13:00 - 14:30 2 Aug 2024 14:00 - 19:00 3 Aug 2024 10:00 (All day) 3 Aug 2024 10:00 - 14:30 3 Aug 2024 14:00 - 19:00 4 Aug 2024 10:00 (All day) 4 Aug 2024 10:00 - 14:30 4 Aug 2024 14:00 - 19:00
Additional Information
  • Community development
  • Healthy community & sports
Service recipient
  • Elderly
Volunteer role
  • Marketing, publicity & event
Age requirement
  • 18 or above
  • Cantonese
  • Mandarin
  • English
  • - 請務必出席網上簡介會,簡介會時間待定,預計在一小時內結束 -義工年齡: 18歲或以上
  • The source of the above information is from Social Career.
  • Source details may be updated from time to time. Please refer to the VMP for the most up-to-date information.
  • In the event of any inconsistency or conflict between the information on this platform and the VMP, the information on the VMP shall prevail.
Check out more about this opportunity

When clicking the “Apply now” button above, you will be leaving our JCVTP website and redirected to the Volunteer Matching Platform (VMP) you selected to continue your application process. Volunteering opportunity details may be updated from time to time. Please refer to the VMP for the most up-to-date information.

Social Career 社職
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