
This volunteering opportunity is no longer available for now.
請即報名參加結伴成長師友計劃 2024-2025,成為義工 Volunteer for  now

結伴成長師友計劃 2024-2025

Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service - Integrated Mental Health Services
Volunteering period
29/05/2024 - 30/06/2025
Hong Kong Citywide
Application deadline
【結伴成長師友計劃 2024-2025】義工招募 大家在成長路上都可能會遇上大大小小的挑戰 也許你都曾有位同行者與你一同克服挑戰 每個人都渴望身邊可以有人一起同行 如今,你願意成為其他人成長路上的支持嗎? 我們誠邀你成為一班小家屬 (復元人士6-12歲的子女)的同行者 在情緒支援和功課輔導方面 陪伴他們成長 與他們的家庭同行
Hong Kong Citywide
Interview 29 May 2024 18:45 - 19:15 29 May 2024 19:30 - 20:00 29 May 2024 20:15 - 20:45 31 May 2024 19:00 - 19:30 31 May 2024 19:45 - 20:15 31 May 2024 20:30 - 21:00 Training 20 Jul 2024 14:00 - 18:00 27 Jul 2024 14:00 - 18:00 Service 1 Sep 2024 - 30 Jun 2025 10:00 - 11:00 Every 2 weeks on Sun, Tue, Thu, Sat
Additional Information
  • Family services
  • Children & youth development
  • Education
Service recipient
  • Children & youth
  • Mental-health related
Volunteer role
  • Mentoring & coaching
  • Teaching & training
Age requirement
  • 18 or above
  • Cantonese
  • 面試日期:2024年5月29, 31日 (三/五) 晚上 @灣仔 培訓日期:2024年7月20, 27日 (六) 14:00-18:00 服務日期:2024年9月-2025年6月 每月最少兩次服務 服務地區:港島東區/灣仔區/葵青區/部份九龍地區
  • The source of the above information is from Social Career.
  • Source details may be updated from time to time. Please refer to the VMP for the most up-to-date information.
  • In the event of any inconsistency or conflict between the information on this platform and the VMP, the information on the VMP shall prevail.
Check out more about this opportunity

When clicking the “Apply now” button above, you will be leaving our JCVTP website and redirected to the Volunteer Matching Platform (VMP) you selected to continue your application process. Volunteering opportunity details may be updated from time to time. Please refer to the VMP for the most up-to-date information.

Social Career 社職
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