請即報名參加,成為義工 Volunteer for 地中海貧血兒童基金港島區愛心賣旗日 Thalassaemia Flag Day (23 Nov) now

地中海貧血兒童基金港島區愛心賣旗日 Thalassaemia Flag Day (23 Nov)

Children's Thalassaemia Foundation
Volunteering period
Application deadline
招募2000名賣旗義工為重型地貧病友籌款 | Recruiting 2000 volunteers to sell flag and raising funds for Thalassaemia major patients. 日期:2024年11月23日(星期六), 上午8時至中午12時半 | Date: November 23, 2024 (Saturday), 8:00am to 12:30 noon. 義工需攜著地貧基金之旗袋於港島區進行賣旗籌款,完成後交回旗袋到指定旗站 | Volunteers have to carry our money bag for flag selling, and return to designated depots.. *義工若未滿14歲必須家長陪同參與 | *Volunteers under 14 years old must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.. 本會將為賣旗義工購買團體意外保險 | CTF will purchase group accident insurance for the volunteers. 完成賣旗活動的義工將會獲得"義工賣旗証書"乙張 | A Flag Day Certificate will be presented to volunteers upon completion of flag selling activity.
Not provided
Additional Information
  • Education
  • Healthy community & sports
Service recipient
  • Children & youth
  • Patients
Volunteer role
  • Marketing, publicity & event
  • Fundraising & donation
  • Fundraising
  • Communication
  • Chinese (Cantonese)
  • English
Restriction for application
  • Open to all volunteers
  • 重型地貧患者由於身體不能製造足夠的血紅蛋白,因此需要終生接受輸血和藥物治療來維持生命。長期輸血會令鐵質積聚於體內,影響身體各個器官,因此他們亦需要接受除鐵治療,排出身體上多餘的鐵質。本會舉辦籌款活動,資助重型地貧病人購買除鐵用品、進行骨髓移植治療,根治地貧。現正招募大量賣旗義工,歡迎帶同小朋友一起進行買旗活動,為有需要的人士出一分力。Patients with thalassaemia major suffer from severe anaemia due to a genetic defect in haemoglobin production; they need blood transfusions and medical treatment to sustain life. The side effect of blood transfusion is an accumulation of iron in the body that causes damage to multiple organs. Therefore patients require iron chelation treatment to remove the excessive iron in the body.We raise funds for Thalassaemia major patients to purchase iron chelation devices and accessories, financing them to carry out bone marrow transplants to cure the disease. We are now recruiting volunteers for our flag day; kids are welcome to join the activity. Let’s work together to help those in need. 本會將會提供義工賣旗活動地點及義工指引。完成賣旗活動後義工可獲賣旗證書及麥兜金旗貼紙一張。We will provide notes for volunteers regarding the areas where they are allowed to sell flags. Upon completion, volunteers will receive a certificate and a piece of McDull gold flag sticker.
  • The source of the above information is from Time Auction.
  • Source details may be updated from time to time. Please refer to the VMP for the most up-to-date information.
  • In the event of any inconsistency or conflict between the information on this platform and the VMP, the information on the VMP shall prevail.
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When clicking the “Apply now” button above, you will be leaving our JCVTP website and redirected to the Volunteer Matching Platform (VMP) you selected to continue your application process. Volunteering opportunity details may be updated from time to time. Please refer to the VMP for the most up-to-date information.

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