請即報名參加,成為義工 Volunteer for 智樂FUN 紛賣旗日義工 Playright Fun Flag Day 2024 (26 Oct) now

智樂FUN 紛賣旗日義工 Playright Fun Flag Day 2024 (26 Oct)

Playright Children's Play Association
Volunteering period
26/10/2024 - 26/10/2024
Application deadline
Playright is now recruiting 2,000 flag-selling volunteers for supporting children play development!. 本會賣期活動於2024年10月26日(星期六) 上午7時30分至中午12時30分於港島區舉行。The flag-selling activity will be held in the HK Island Region from 7:30am to 12:30pm on 26 Oct.. 凡義工未滿14歲,須由家長或監護人陪同參與賣旗,旗袋亦應由年滿18歲的同行成年人保管。No children under the age of 14 years are to be permitted to sell flags unless accompanied by their parents or guardians. The flag-day money collection bag should be kept by the accompanying adults aged 18 or above. . 賣旗義工在進行賣旗活動時,敬希佩戴「智樂Playright 義工證」。 Volunteers are required to wear the Playright Volunteer Badges when selling flags.. 賣旗義工請緊記在完成賣旗活動後,將旗袋及剩餘的旗紙交還到指定旗站,並於交還旗袋及剩餘的旗紙的時候,在旗站範圍內幫忙將旗帶拆除,與旗袋分開交還給旗站當值的智樂職員。All volunteers are required to return the remaining flag-day stickers and the flag-day money collection bags to the designated flag-day depot. Volunteers are invited to dispatch the shoulder straps and return the straps and flag-day money collection bags respectively to Playright staff at the Depot. . 在完成街頭賣旗活動,到指定旗站交還旗袋以後,賣旗日的義工均可獲贈小禮品及義工證書。Volunteers will be give a snack pack with a Certificate of Appreciation after returning the flag-day money collection bag to the designated Flag-day Depot.. 相關領取旗袋及交還旗袋的安排,請留意2024年10月中發出的電郵通知及義工指引。The arrangement for the collection and return of Flag-day money collection bags will be stated in the email notification and the volunteer guidelines in mid-October 2024.
Not provided
Additional Information
  • Community development
  • Education
  • Environment
Service recipient
  • Children & youth
  • Environment
  • General public
Volunteer role
  • Marketing, publicity & event
  • Fundraising & donation
  • Fundraising
  • Event Support
  • Chinese (Cantonese)
  • English
Restriction for application
  • Open to all volunteers
  • 智樂兒童遊樂協會 (智樂Playright) 服務香港逾35年,為本地非資助慈善團體,一直致力為全港兒童創造優質兼具創意的遊樂空間和遊戲體驗。 一直以來,我們透過服務、培訓及顧問的工作,冀望建立一個尊重、保護、實踐兒童遊戲權利的社會,讓小朋友樂享童年。Focusing on our vision and mission for more than 35 years in Hong Kong, Playright has been always dedicated to building quality and creative play space as well as creating play experience for ALL children. Through service provision, empowerment and consultancy works, we aim to build a society that respects, protects and fulfills a Child’s Right to Play, where children can enjoy their childhood happily and healthily. 機構會提供義工指引,旗袋及旗紙。到指定旗站交還旗袋以後,義工均可獲贈小禮品及義工證書。We will provide volunteer guidelines, flag day stickers and money collection bags. After completing service, all volunteers will receive a snack pack with a Certificate of Appreciation.
  • The source of the above information is from Time Auction.
  • Source details may be updated from time to time. Please refer to the VMP for the most up-to-date information.
  • In the event of any inconsistency or conflict between the information on this platform and the VMP, the information on the VMP shall prevail.
Check out more about this opportunity

When clicking the “Apply now” button above, you will be leaving our JCVTP website and redirected to the Volunteer Matching Platform (VMP) you selected to continue your application process. Volunteering opportunity details may be updated from time to time. Please refer to the VMP for the most up-to-date information.

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