
This volunteering opportunity is no longer available for now.
請即報名參加Raise YOUTH up  療癒之旅 X 社區服務,成為義工 Volunteer for  now

Raise YOUTH up 療癒之旅 X 社區服務

The Salvation Army Chuk Yuen Children and Youth Centre
Volunteering period
26/08/2024 - 13/12/2024
Wong Tai Sin District
Application deadline
如果你想更多認識自己,…📍 如果你想透過戲劇或藝術治療陪伴自己、面對生命、抒發情緒,…🎭 如果你都願意將學到嘅回饋社區,…💪🏻 我哋會以一人一故事劇場Playback 同藝術治療介入🍃 希望連結社區,服務SEN小朋友及其家庭,推廣全人健康💕
Wong Tai Sin District
Interview 26 Aug 2024 10:00 - 6 Sep 2024 22:00 Others 2 Sep 2024 10:00 - 13 Sep 2024 22:00 Briefing 20 Sep 2024 19:30 - 21:30 Training 27 Sep 2024 - 29 Nov 2024 19:30 - 21:30 Every week on Fri Training 27 Sep 2024 - 22 Nov 2024 19:30 - 21:30 Every week on Fri Service 1 Dec 2024 12:00 (All day) Service 24 Nov 2024 12:00 (All day) Service 29 Nov 2024 19:30 - 6 Dec 2024 21:30 7 Dec 2024 11:00 - 13:00 Debriefing 14 Dec 2024 12:00 (All day)
Additional Information
  • Community development
  • Children & youth development
  • Arts & culture
Service recipient
  • Children & youth
  • Elderly
Volunteer role
  • Marketing, publicity & event
  • Art and performance
Age requirement
  • 18 - 24
  • Cantonese
  • 費 用:全免 名 額:20位 (⚠️報名後會安排甄選面見⚠️) 如有問題,可聯絡竹園救世軍青少年中心查詢: 查詢電話:2351-5321 負責同事:Oscar/Tiffany
  • The source of the above information is from Social Career.
  • Source details may be updated from time to time. Please refer to the VMP for the most up-to-date information.
  • In the event of any inconsistency or conflict between the information on this platform and the VMP, the information on the VMP shall prevail.
Check out more about this opportunity

When clicking the “Apply now” button above, you will be leaving our JCVTP website and redirected to the Volunteer Matching Platform (VMP) you selected to continue your application process. Volunteering opportunity details may be updated from time to time. Please refer to the VMP for the most up-to-date information.

Social Career 社職
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