
This volunteering opportunity is no longer available for now.
請即報名參加藝造綠⾊⼤埔:「收塑」社區升級⼯程 2.0 — 傢俱製作工作坊,成為義工 Volunteer for  now

藝造綠⾊⼤埔:「收塑」社區升級⼯程 2.0 — 傢俱製作工作坊

The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Tai Po Spot
Volunteering period
30/05/2024 - 31/05/2024
Tai Po District
Application deadline
每日大量棄置的塑膠除了回收再造外,還有甚麼用途? 工作坊會利用回收塑膠製作成的塑膠板,配合其他物料,為⼤埔區非牟利機構製作環保傢俱,將塑膠的生命延續! 工作坊 1 - 1/6, 8/6 10:00-12:00 工作坊 2 - 22/6, 29/6 10:00-12:00 ***傢俱製作工作坊全期為2節,須全期出席。
Tai Po District
訓練日 2024年06月01日 10:00am - 12:00pm 新界大埔墟寶鄉街2號 傢俱製作工作坊1(工作坊為2天,須全期出席) 2024年06月08日 10:00am - 12:00pm 新界大埔墟寶鄉街2號 傢俱製作工作坊1(工作坊為2天,須全期出席) 2024年06月22日 10:00am - 12:00pm 新界大埔墟寶鄉街2號 傢俱製作工作坊2(工作坊為2天,須全期出席) 2024年06月29日 10:00am - 12:00pm 新界大埔墟寶鄉街2號 傢俱製作工作坊2(工作坊為2天,須全期出席) 服務 2024年05月31日 12:00am - 10:59pm / *活動提醒:每個完整工作坊為2節*
Additional Information
  • Others
Service recipient
  • General public
  • General public
Volunteer role
  • Environmental protection
Age requirement
  • 14 - 24
  • 無須特定知識/技能
  • 男女均可
  • The source of the above information is from Easy Volunteer.
  • Source details may be updated from time to time. Please refer to the VMP for the most up-to-date information.
  • In the event of any inconsistency or conflict between the information on this platform and the VMP, the information on the VMP shall prevail.
Check out more about this opportunity

When clicking the “Apply now” button above, you will be leaving our JCVTP website and redirected to the Volunteer Matching Platform (VMP) you selected to continue your application process. Volunteering opportunity details may be updated from time to time. Please refer to the VMP for the most up-to-date information.

Social Career 社職
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